App2Vox is a free communication app designed for children, young adults and adults with autism who find it difficult to communicate. Developed in association with Autism Together and COMMITT Communications Ltd this unique app keeps the needs of the nonverbal person at the heart of all it does. The team behind App2Vox came to Dale Street Digital for help in getting the word about App2Vox out to the people who needed it most.
A keyword targeted content led strategy was introduced in order to provide App2Vox with the best long-term SEO strategy
As App2Vox is such a specialist app, content was required to be written by a knowledgeable and highly skilled copywriter. One of the most qualified Dale Street Digital team members was used to create very high-quality and comprehensive content for the website.
App2Vox has seen an increase in the amount of relevant traffic coming to the website, which has led to an increase in the number of times the app has been downloaded.